Interweave to host a week of the global #30DayInclusionChallenge for awareness on equality, diversity and inclusion


New Delhi : Celebrating Global Diversity and Inclusion Month, Interweave Consulting partners with Cohesion Collective, INvolve People, Amanda Hammett for #30DayInclusionChallenge to build greater consciousness and awareness around matters related to Equality Diversity and Inclusion. this 4-week long learning journey peppered with candid dialogues, reflective activities and practices around race, ethnicity, gender and generational diversity, and their unique intersectionality. This unique initiative is designed to bridge different perspectives and voices from different regions across the globe like South Africa, India, UK and the USA.
“We are extremely glad to join this one-of-its-kind initiative that not only celebrates equality, diversity and inclusion but also pivots the focus back on the need of initiating dialogues and building awareness around them. Furthermore, such initiatives normalise questioning the status quo, opening new paths for learning and creating a collaborative ecosystem for the practice,” said Ruchira Gokhale, Head (Consulting) Solutions – Interweave Consulting.
This unique initiative requires only 15 minutes a day for building a better appreciation, language, and awareness showcasing practical examples on how to be an inclusive leader with greater understanding of the historical context of exclusion.
“We understand the impact such initiatives can create and that is why we have to accelerate our endeavours to make workplaces more inclusive where everyone feels valued, heard and gets equal opportunity to grow. Involving everyone can break down the existing barriers and help individuals to think and accomplish more by feeling equal, happy and secure,” added Smitha Chellapan, Head (DEI) – Interweave Consulting.

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