JK Trust Reinforces Cattle Breed Transformation in Madhya Pradesh


JK Trust Reinforces Cattle Breed Transformation in Madhya Pradesh Collaborates with NABARD and JK Tyre to open 14 Integrated Livestock Development centers in rural Madhya Pradesh

· A unique model that upholds the potential to accelerate the pace of cattle development

· JK Trust ILD centres pivotal in enhancing the quality of the cattle bloodline

· JK Trust Centres offer scientific techniques such as Artificial Insemination (AI) and veterinary care


Morena : JK Trust, an eminent NGO that is reckoned for its pioneering work in the field of cattle breed improvement in India will be the execution partner of 14 Integrated Livestock Development Centers (ILDCs) in collaboration with NABARD and JK Tyre, one of the largest tyre manufacturers of India. This unique social initiative that entails public private partnership and is aimed at creating holistic development at grass-root level paving way for creating a sustainable ecosystem in the field of Animal Husbandry.
Present during the inauguration of this first center in Morena were Hon. Minister of Agriculture & Farmers welfare, GoI Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Dr. G.R. Chintala Chairman NABARD, Mr. Arun Kumar Bajoriya, Director & President (International Operations) JK. Tyre, Mr. B. Karthikeyan, Collector, Morena, Mr. Y.N. Mahadeviah General Manager, NABARD, RO, Bhopal and Mr. Ram Bhatnagar, CEO, JK Trust.
Commenting on this initiative, Mr. Ram Bhatnagar, CEO, J.K Trust said; “It is a matter of honour for us to have collaborated with NABARD and JK Tyre to execute 14 ILDCs in Madhya Pradesh that will help enhancing the incomes of farmers across the state. At JK Trust we are committed to Government’s Rashtriya Gokul mission and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana and believe that this progressive initiative through public private partnership will empower the farmers and help transforming rural lives in India.”
In Madhya Pradesh, JK Trust has had an enriching association since the year 2000 for the development of Animal Husbandry sector. After a successful collaboration with JK Tyre Industries along with JK Trust that operated Six (06) Integrated Livestock Development Centres from 2015 to 2021. In these 5 years, the centres together have contributed to over 8600 upgraded calves against the target of 2600 (331%) which is a formidable feat.
JK Trust, a social initiative of Raymond Group is successfully implementing various cattle breed initiatives that are in line with ‘Rashtriya Gokul Mission’. In Madhya Pradesh, JK Trust operated Cattle Breed Improvement Projects (CBIP) through establishment of 1079 ILDC at 26 Districts covering about 8500 villages and benefited more than 13.50 lakh beneficiaries. This initiative plays a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of the cattle bloodline by using scientific techniques such as Artificial Insemination (AI) and other veterinary care services. Since its inception in the year <add year>, JK Trust has been working towards transforming rural lives by addressing core issues of our agrarian society by alleviating poverty, reducing malnutrition & creating employment in rural India.

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