Kolkata : Mamata takes out rally to celebrate UNESCO tag for Durga Puja 2022


Kolkata Durga Puja 2022 : Mamata takes out rally to celebrate UNESCO tag for 

UNN/Bijan Banerjee/Kapil Chowhan: Flanked by thousands of supporters, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday took out a rally to thank UNESCO for putting Durga Puja on the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) representative list. The rally, which saw representatives of over 1,000 Durga Puja committees, started in the Jorasanko area of north Kolkata and will end on Red Road. The chief minister was also accompanied by party colleagues Firhad Hakim, Sudip  Bandyopadhyay,Aroop Biswas and Shashi Panja . “Durga Puja is an emotion that rises above parochial barriers and brings us together. It unites the magnificence of art with spirituality. We thank UNESCO for recognising Durga Puja as an intangible cultural heritage and honouring the labour of love of
everyone involved,” she tweeted.


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