Kuala Lumpur : Malaysia is one of the countries most affected by brain drain

 Malaysia is one of the countries most affected by brain drain

Andy Sengiah# Malaysia’s 5.5% Brain Drain Is A total of 1.86 million Malaysians live overseas. Out of which, a whopping 1.13 million stay and work across the causeway.This a almost double of the Global Average says Human Resource Minister. While the brain drain phenomenon has plagued the country for the last four decades, not much has been done to retain current local talents or attract foreign ones, according to World Bank. However, the problem has now reached a level that has got the current government “taking it seriously”, according to Human Resources Minister Sivakumar Varatharaju Naidu. Sivakumar said Malaysia’s brain drain rate stands at 5.5% of the total population.

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पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी मॉरीशस के सर्वोच्च पुरस्कार से सम्मानित, कहा-यह भारत और मॉरीशस के ऐतिहासिक रिश्तों का सम्मान नई दिल्ली। प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी दो दिवसीय मॉरीशस यात्रा पर गए हुए हैं। मॉरीशस पहुंचने पर जहां एक ओर पीएम का बहुत ही जबर्दस्त स्वागत किया गया वहीं मॉरीशस के प्रधानमंत्री नवीन रामगुलाम ने मोदी को उनके […]

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