LANXESS Indian completes expansion of RenoDive® production plant at Jhagaria site


LANXESS Indian completes expansion of RenoDive® production plant at Jhagaria site

It will meet the growing demand of the Indian subcontinent and Asian markets

Mumbai – LANXESS, a specialty chemicals company, has successfully completed the commissioning and expansion of the production line of RenoDiv® in Jhagariya on 1 February 2024. With this new plant, the production capacity of the company’s Rhine Chemie business unit has increased significantly. It will be able to meet the growing demand of the Indian subcontinent and Asian tire and rubber markets.
Modern equipment and technology will be used in the new production unit. This will enable Lexus to produce high quality technology tire release agents more efficiently. Lanxess also has another similar plant in Argentina.
The production of high-performance tires and molded emulsion products depends entirely on the use of effective release agents. Careful manufacturing processes and low scrap rates are critical to the production of tires and molded emulsion products. RenoDive® Release Agents are completely water-based, with soluble properties* and free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In this way, it is environment friendly.
The LANXESS Rheun Chemie business units provide a comprehensive service offering, combining market understanding and production knowledge with solutions at every step of the process chain to support customers in every way.
Matthias Jaschert, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Management of LANXESS AG, said on the new development activities taking place in the company, “India is an important region for us. This strategic achievement reflects our commitment to meet the growing needs of our valued consumers in the region. This new plant will not only increase the production capacity of the company, but will also show our confidence in the immense potential of the Indian market.”
Dr. Jens Hendrik Fischer, Global Head of Rein Chemie Business Unit, said, “The expansion of our RenoDiv® production line at the Jhagariya site is an important achievement for Lanxess India. This strengthens our position as a trusted partner to the rubber industry and supports our commitment to innovation and sustainability. I wish our entire team all the best for their hard work and commitment.”

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