MP- Indore : Treasure Island and TI NEXT re-open with fully vaccinated staff


Indore : Treasure Island mall and TI Next both opened their doors to public on Saturday, June 12 after getting permission from local corporation. Both the malls opened after a thorough sanitization process being completed as prescribed by the SOP’s of Shopping Centres Association of India and the local administration. To add another layer of safety, the management has ensured that 100% of the mall staff and their retail partners have been vaccinated before reopening of the mall.
Both the malls reported 100% occupancy of permissible stores today. The sales recoveries across TI mall and TI NEXT were also better than the Unlock 1.0, around the same time last year. Fashion and Beauty are two categories which are fastest off the block, as people started shopping again for reopening of their offices and relaxation on social gatherings as well.

Prominent brands at TI Mall: Marks & Spencer, Max, Reliance Digital, Big Bazaar, Jack & Jones, Tommy Hilfiger, OnePlus, Chumbak.Prominent brands at TI NEXT: Central, H&M, Trends, Nykaa, Sugar, Mac, Regal

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