Star Plus’s ‘Siya Ke Ram interview opportunity with Actor Aashiesh Sharrma


Star Plus’s ‘Siya Ke Ram interview opportunity with Actor Aashiesh Sharrma

Mumbai: There is an interaction/ interview opportunity with Actor Aashiesh Sharrma – who essayed the character of Ram in Star Plus’s ‘Siya Ke Ram.’ He would like to share his thoughts on the recent debacle surrounding the movie ‘Adipurush.’
As someone deeply passionate about the craft of acting and storytelling, Aashiesh has a disheartening experience with the film and believes that the film did not do any justice to its source ‘Ramayana’. Aashiesh has been entertaining audiences and fans on television, in films, and on OTT platforms. Here are his social handles for your perusal:

Instagram: https




Thank you for your time and understanding. Please feel free to contact me for interviews, interviews, shoots, and live interactions with Aashiesh. Looking forward to your support as always.

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