MP: राष्टीय अधिमान्य पत्रकार संगठन ने 50 पत्रकारों एवम सामाजिक कार्यकर्ताओं को सम्मानित किया

  राष्टीय अधिमान्य पत्रकार संगठन ने 50 पत्रकारों एवम सामाजिक कार्यकर्ताओं को सम्मानित किया   इंदौर। पत्रकार बड़ा जागरूक व्यक्तित्व और समाज का सजग प्रहरी होता है ,इसलिए उसकी लेखनी धारदार होती है।उसे अपना धर्म ईमानदारी से निभाना चाहिये। पत्रकार का लिखा शब्द ब्रह्म वाक्य होता है। ये विचार समाजसेविका डॉ. रजनी भंडारी के है,, […]

The Institute of Economic Studies (IES) Indo-Thai Industry Insignia successfully organized a conference on the Indo-Thai Business Development and Award Presentation

  The Institute of Economic Studies (IES) Indo-Thai Industry Insignia successfully organized a conference on the Indo-Thai Business Development and Award Presentation This is featuring giving award for more than 30 over awardees in various categories like travel, social media, airlines, media, construction, business, medical clinics and many other industries. Malaysia : Andy Sengiah, Managing […]

Agritech startup KisanServ’s Giving Back to Farm’ initiative turning wet waste of metros to free organic compost for farmers

  Agritech startup KisanServ’s Giving Back to Farm’ initiative turning wet waste of metros to free organic compost for farmers -The company organised a farmers’ meet to distribute free organic compost to 200 farmers- Pune : With increasing food consumption, urbanisation, growth in large housing societies and lack of dumping ground, wet waste processing has […]

Indore Campus has published a patent on “Waist band with attached auto refillable sanitiser dispenser

  Indore Campus has published a patent on “Waist band with attached auto refillable sanitiser dispenser   Indore: NMIMS University Dr. Munendra Jain, Associate Professor, NMIMS, Indore Campus has published a patent on “Waist band with attached auto refillable sanitiser dispenser”. It is easy to use in case of non-availability of soap and water or any […]

TAT Networking Lunch to Jakarta showcases Thailand as a top destination for Indonesian travellers

  TAT Networking Lunch to Jakarta showcases Thailand as a top destination for Indonesian travellers Jakarta – The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) today hold the ‘Amazing Thailand, Amazing New Chapters Networking Lunch to Indonesia 2022’ in Jakarta to reiterate Thailand as a preferred destination for Indonesian travellers and as a tourism hub for the […]

MSMEs are the growth engine of India, Contribute 30% to the GDP of India – Narayan Tatu Rane

  MSMEs are the growth engine of India, Contribute 30% to the GDP of India: Shri Narayan Tatu Rane, Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, GoI Mumbai : Addressing the ‘Maharashtra MSME Conference’ organized by ASSOCHAM, the Hon’ble Minister for MSME, Government of India, Shri Narayan Tatu Rane highlighted the catalyzing role […]