Covid-19: Island shows solids with India


To India With Love, ‘We Are With You’

Mumbai: In light of the current situation, the need of the hour being ‘Need Of Anti-Panic Videos’ And Inspiring Videos which can help people stay calm, have hope and not panic about Covid-19, Yas Island Shows Solidarity with India, extending their deepest condolences for the loved ones that they and we have all lost. Our prayers and thanks are with you – be strong India! We can overcome anything with courage and heart. We are standing by you.
‘From Our Hearts To Yours, India, Yas Island Is With You!’

Previously having shown Yas Island Shows Solidarity with India as W Abu Dhabi – Yas Island Displays the Indian Flag. Previously, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi’s premier leisure and entertainment hub, had lit up in solidarity with the people of India as the country faced a record surge in Covid-19 cases.
In light of the current situation, Yas Island yet again extends a heartfelt message of hope and unity.
‘We Are With You’
‘To all the wonderful people of India, we stand together as one. Be strong!’ ‘We are stronger together – your Indian brothers and sisters are with you!’
‘We and our families and friends are thinking of you, and we are here to support you. May our prayers protect you.’
‘Our deepest condolences for the loved ones that we have all lost. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone.’
‘Our prayers and thanks are with you – be strong India!’
‘Your courage is legendary. We can’t appreciate enough your hard work.’
‘With your perseverance, we can beat this pandemic together. Stay strong!
‘We can overcome anything with courage and heart. We are standing by you.’
‘Thank you for your courage! We send our prayers to you and your loved ones.
‘From Our Hearts To Yours, India, Yas Island Is With You!’

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