“Healing the Healer”- 38 years Young Doctor & Covid Warrior got a New “Breathe” of Life @ Yashoda Hospitals – Hyderabad


Yashoda hospital have distinguished themselves in Advanced Lung

Indore : Dr. Satyendra Mishra is a young Covid warrior, Pulmonary doctor by profession, probably seen and treated among the highest number of covid cases in Madhya Pradesh, unfortunately himself got afflicted with COVID 19 ,few months ago in the line of duty. His symptoms rapidly progressed requiring non invasive ventilation and progressed to mechanical ventilation. Due to his yeoman service and selfless sacrifices, lot of friends, family, patients, Madya Pradesh government felt they needed to offer the best possible care and facilitated airlifting the patient to Yashoda hospital, Hyderabad on 14th April 2021.

Yashoda hospital have distinguished themselves in Advanced Lung Failure including pioneering work in COVID ECMO care and Lung Transplant Services. The hospital catered to more than 75 Air ambulance transfers during the second wave with ability to manage 20 plus ECMO patients at a time in the dedicated “Advanced lung failure unit” and Post COVID Lung Transplants with among the best outcomes with a world-class team of experts and infrastructure.

On initial assessment, he had extensive damage to his lungs due to COVID-19 and remained dependent on the ventilator with high oxygen requirements and at a critical phase of his illness. The first step we offered was prone ventilation and guideline-based latest in medical care and medication, A multidisciplinary team of pulmonologist, critical care, specially trained round the clock nursing and daily personalized care by dietary, physiotherapy, respiratory therapy and allied specialties monitored all aspects of care with which he improved and could be managed without ECMO requirement.

Our MedicalTeam has taken utmost care ofDr. Satyendra Mistra during this treatment, attesting to our excellent intensive care and dedicated nursing practices at our Unit. Also likely due to his strong will-power, positive attitude despite severity of illness he was never fazed by the disease and cooperated fully with hospital staff, and made a dramatic recovery compared to his CT severity and could be extubated within a week and successfully discharged on 6th May 2021.He is now off oxygen without any medications, coping up very well, back to normal life style, resumed his medical practice. He also regularly practices “Yoga, pranayama, exercise, post discharge in recovery phase.” said Dr. Apar Jindal; Director Lung Failure& Transplant Pulmonologist, Yashoda Hospitals – Hyderabad
“We thank Dr. Satyendra Mishra, his family and the state government of Madhya Pradesh for reposing their faith in the holistic & encompassing health care delivered at our hospital. We are glad that we helped a covid warrior& Young doctor from Madhya Pradesh get back on his feet and that this was achieved without the need for ECMO or Lung transplantation. Now, he is back in his hometown and back to helping patients despite his near death experience and we all salute him for his total dedication and feel extremely gratified that we could help this Heal this brave Healer” added said Dr. Pavan Gorukanti; Director of Yashoda Hospitals; Hyderabad.
A small minority of patients with severe COVID despite best efforts have extensive lung disease and may not recover their lung function and for few of these carefully selected cases Lung transplantation may offer the last line of care, said Jnanesh Thacker; Surgical Director, Heart and Lung transplantation.


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