Hettich Launches Lavish New Experience Centre in Indore showcasing Magical Interior Solutions

Hettich Launches Lavish New Experience Centre in Indore showcasing Magical Interior Solutions

Indore – Hettich, one of the leading global manufacturers of furniture fittings, is pleased to announce the inauguration of its newest state-of-the-art Experience Centre in Indore. Strategically located in the same city as Hettich’s advanced manufacturing plant, this new Experience Centre serves as a testament to the brand’s commitment to innovation, quality and premium customer engagement.
This Experience Centre, which reflects the elegance and sophistication of Hettich’s world-class products, offers guests a sumptuous, hands-on look at the brand’s high-end hardware and furniture fittings. Its design, which was influenced by the flagship Mumbai Experience Centre that launched last year, exudes elegance and modernity, providing an unmatched combination of style and functionality.
Every last detail, from the sleek aesthetics to the interactive displays, is meticulously crafted to provide an upscale, welcoming environment for customers, architects, interior designers, and furniture manufacturers alike.This Experience Centre, which features an impressive selection of Hettich’s premium furniture fittings, architectural door hardware, furniture lights and built-in appliances, is a place where innovation and luxury merge. In addition to upgrading the beauty and practicality of modern living and business spaces, this opulent environment fosters innovation and teamwork in authentic contexts.

Commenting on the inauguration, Andre Eckholt, Managing Director of Hettich India, SAARC, Middle East, and Africa, stated: “The launch of our Indore Experience Centre underscores our unwavering commitment to delivering magical interior solutions. This is more than simply another showroom – it is a space offering an unforgettable lifestyle experience for both consumers and industry professionals, allowing them to engage with our premium products in an environment that strongly reflects our brand’s luxury and innovation.”The revamped Indore centre is the newest addition to Hettich’s existing network of 11 experience centres across the country. Hettich invites customers and industry professionals to experience the brand’s premium offerings firsthand at the new experience centre located at: Ground Floor & 1st Floor, Asteria Pride, Plot No.86, Scheme No. 114-II, AB Road, (Near Doshi Honda), Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010.

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