Home Africa America International University Chancellor Dr Park Met with Guinea Ambassador in Malaysia


Home Africa America International University Chancellor Dr Park Met with Guinea Ambassador in Malaysia, discussed about education
America International University Chancellor Dr Park Met with Guinea Ambassador in Malaysia, discussed about education
America International University
America International University Chancellor Dr Park Met with Guinea Ambassador in Malaysia.
America International University Chancellor Dr Park Met with Guinea Ambassador in Malaysia, discussed about education
Diplomat Times (Kuala Lumpur)- America International University Chancellor Dr Park Met with Guinea Ambassador in Malaysia .

UNN/Andy Sengiah : America International University is registered in California with education department. Talking to our correspondent, AIU Chancellor Dr. Sang Wan Park said that AIU has been working in the field of education in America and Asia for a long time, and now we want to expand it to Africa, where education is very important. African students are dependent on other countries to get higher education. Speaking on the occasion, Oumar Conde, Acting Ambassador of the Embassy of Guinea to Malaysia said that many people come with investment plans but Africa needs a lot of education. Come forward so that people can get education and they can get employment in the country and abroad. He further said that Guinea welcomes all those who want to invest in our country for education, so that we can give proper and high quality education to our people.
On this occasion, Director of MWorldWide Holdings, Ms. Marietta Reformado, Journalist of Diplomat Times in Malaysia, Andy Sengiah, Professor Ganesh Channa, Professor Jaya Pragasam and Shashi Kumar, Founder of Diplomat Times were specially present.
Education in Equality Guinea
The government of Guinea faces challenges to improve the financial and institutional capacities of its education system to achieve sustainable goals in terms of school coverage, enrollment, quality and equity.
These challenges include the low primary completion rate, inequalities between girls and boys, poor learning outcomes, lack of trained teachers, and high repetition and dropout rates. The education sector plan covering the 2020-2029 period defines six priority programs:
1.Equitable access to general education.
2.Quality and relevance of teaching.
3.Adult literacy and education.
4.Extension and reform of technical education and vocational training.
5.Reform of higher education and scientific research.
6.Governance and management of the education system.
7.Guinea intends to ensure equitable access to basic education for all children, including children with special needs.

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