K Hospitality started its journey in 1972 with the opening of the 1st Copper Chimney in Mumbai


K Hospitality started its journey in 1972 with the opening of the 1st Copper Chimney in Mumbai

Mumbai: K Hospitality started its journey in 1972 with the opening of the 1st Copper Chimney in Mumbai, and this year will be celebrating its 50th year in the F&B industry. With over 500+ outlets, serving 35 million customers each year across multiple countries, whether it is an F&B experience on the high street, in a mall, at a banquet, in an airport, highway, or in your office, K Hospitality touches its customers’ lives wherever they enjoy and experience food.
K Hospitality Corp is India’s largest privately held F&B company, with 500+ outlets and 6000+ employees across multiple business verticals in the Food and Beverage sector across India and overseas. Built on the foundation of creating memories and inspiring happiness through food, the group is a market leader with operations spread across QSR, restaurants, bars, food courts, banqueting, outdoor catering, corporate food services, and travel F&B. The group’s acclaimed and award-winning brands and companies include TFS, Copper Chimney, Joshh, Bombay Brasserie, The Irish House, Idli.com, Cafeccino, Curry Kitchen, Blue Sea Banquets & Catering, amongst numerous other brands. K Hospitality Corp is currently helmed by brothers, Varun Kapur, Executive Director, K Hospitality Corp, and Karan Kapur, Executive Director, K Hospitality Corp. Varun graduated ‘magna cum laude’ from New York University, Stern School of Business with Bachelors in Science – Finance and Accounting. He worked as an Investment Banker at the Bank of America’s Leveraged Finance Group, before returning to India to join the business in 2008. Varun has overseen iconic projects for K Hospitality such as The Adani Lounge at Mumbai Airport Terminal 2 (which was awarded the world’s best airport lounge), and the new F&B offer you see at numerous airports across India. Varun has also been actively involved in the growth of some of the Group’s wellknown concepts such as Copper Chimney and The Irish House, and he continues to be involved at a strategic level with other ventures of the Group. Karan graduated from Northwestern University, with a B.A. in Economics, and a Certification in Finance from the Kellogg School of Management. Karan joined K Hospitality in 2008, and after leading and setting up the group’s foray into travel F&B with TFS, returned to the US to acquire his M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.
Karan currently leads all new strategic growth verticals for the group, including Joshh, the group’s foray into building one of the top 5 QSR brands from India, along with the restaurant, banqueting and catering, and food service businesses of the group. At a group level, both Varun and Karan lead the strategic decision making, business development and operations strategy roll out across K Hospitality Corp, and have played an active role is building the organizational capabilities to scale up to over 6000 employees today. They support the implementation of the organization’s vision of creating memories and inspiring happiness through food, whether it is for the people who work for the company, or for the customers they serve, while spearheading the new F&B ventures and growth of K Hospitality Corp in India and abroad.

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