Kuala Lumpur : This is ‘selective political prosecution’, says Former Malaysian Prime Minister on graft charges


Kuala Lumpur : This is ‘selective political prosecution’, says Former Malaysian Prime Minister on graft charges

The charges come just three months after Muhyiddin lost a closely fought general election to Anwar Ibrahim, and are likely to increase political tensions in Malaysia, which has seen four prime ministers since 2018.

Andy Sengiah# The abuse of power and money laundering charges against him are “selective political prosecution”, says Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Reading a prepared statement to the media here after being charged on Friday (March 10), the former prime minister said the charges concerned alleged abuse of power and not bribery. I was not charged with receiving bribes for myself. That is because after they did not find a single sen of the public’s money entered my pocket throughout my duration as prime minister.

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