Option Traders Mela to be held on March 4 & 5 at Indore-


Option Traders Mela to be held on March 4 & 5 at Indore-

Indore: Traders Mela comprises of a two-day (residential and non-residential) event will be held Mela Hotel Sayaji International Indore on March 4 and 5, 2023 at Indore. The event will show case the finest traders and speakers fluent in Hindi. Each speaker will walk you through his niche area of stocks and options trading to enrich your trading and investment knowledge. Ten option mentors with vastly experienced in option trading will be spending time in a two day-one-night residential option seminar at the Sayaji International Hotel, Indore. The seminar will be held in Hindi language for the benefit of the Hindi speaking audience, a language they are most comfortable with. One can visit the website  https://tradersmela.com/  for more details. The speakers also are well versed to explain difficult concepts in simplified Hindi language.
Traders Mela is a joint effort of Options Bazaar, Pasi Technologies and Sonic Alpha. Options bazaar provides resources for learning option trading and facilitates interactions within professional Option traders and algo providers community. Pasi Technologies focuses on training, live trading sessions and option-related tools. The tools include OptionsOracle and OpStrater. SonicAlpha is a quantitative research firm with a focus on building quantitative trading algorithms that help to generate consistent excess returns over the benchmark (alpha) focusing on Data-driven, Risk and Money management, and efficient execution

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