Shalby Multi Specialty Hospital launches Liver Transplant Center


Shalby Multi Specialty Hospital launches Liver Transplant Center

Indore : Proper functioning of liver is very important for our body. Liver diseases are increasing in last few years due to various etiology like Hep B and Hep C infection, excessive alcohol intake and change in lifestyle or eating habits, which leads to liver damage. Liver Cirrhosis is one of the chronic liver diseases which are caused due to continuous deterioration of liver function over time. About 10 to 15 Lakh new patients of liver cirrhosis are found in India every year and out of which about 30,000 to 40,000 patient need liver transplant. Liver transplant is the only option for a patient who is suffering from end-stage liver cirrhosis or acute liver failure. Liver transplantation can also be offered to patient with liver cancer, metabolic liver disease and in children biliary atresia & wilson’s disease. Timely diagnosis and treatment of liver cirrhosis or liver failure helps to prevent death.
On the occasion of World Liver Day, Shalby Multi Specialty Hospital, Indore announced the launch of Liver Transplant Centre. The center will be headed by Dr. Nishant Shiv, Consultant, Liver Transplant Surgeon, Shalby Multi Specialty Hospital Indore, Dr. Gaurav Chaubal & Dr. Aditya J. Nanavati team, Global Hospitals, Mumbai, Dr. Iqubal Nabi Qureshi, Consultant, Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist and Endoscopist, along with other experts. The experts will help patient to solve their query regarding disease and guide for proper treatment. Good infrastructure at Shalby Multi Specialty Hospital will ensure a speedy and safe recovery of the patient during the course. An expert and well-trained team of nurses, post-operative care specialists, physiotherapist and dietician will assist liver transplant patients in their recovery process & ensuring better outcomes with good results.
Dr Nishant Shiv, Consultant, Liver Transplant Surgeon, Shalby Multi Specialty Hospital said, “On the occasion of World Liver Day, Shalby Multi Specialty Hospital, Indore is proud to launch Liver Transplant Program. Both cadaveric and living donor liver transplant program will take place at Shalby hospital Indore. In India around 80 to 90% of liver transplants are living donor liver transplants with a success rate of 92 to 95%. In this, about 50 to 60% of the donor’s liver is removed and transplanted into the recipient, and there is no risk to the donor and can live their life normally after surgery. Shalby Multi Specialty Hospital, Indore has one of the most experienced and well trained team of surgeons. It is estimated that around 300 people in the state register for cadaveric liver in a year & hundreds of patients wait for organ and eventually lose their life due to the non availability of organ. So we should promote organ donation as organ donation is an opportunity to help others and receiving an organ can become a life changing event for these patients.
Dr. Iqubal Nabi Qureshi, Consultant, Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist and Endoscopist, Shalby Multi Specialty Hospital said- ‘This year (2023) the theme of World Liver Day is “Be Vigilant, Do Regular Liver Check-Up, Fatty Liver Can Affect Anyone”. We should get our liver checked regularly (blood test and sonography) and avoid things that can harm your liver, such as excessive alcohol consumption, not getting hepatitis B vaccine, etc. Do exercise regularly, eat balanced diet & avoid obesity, so that fat does not accumulate in the liver.’
Speaking about the Liver Transplant Centre, Dr. Vivek Joshi, Medical Superitendent, Shalby Multi Specialty Hospital said, “All patients with gastrointestinal and liver problems can come to Shalby Multi Specialty Hospital and avail the best of treatment. Our team is equipped with all the latest diagnostics and therapeutic technologies prevalent in the hospital industry and also has a panel of specialist doctors to handle critical cases. Being a pioneer in healthcare, we believe that the hospital will continue to provide more quality healthcare services with the good infrastructure and expertise.”
The “Liver Transplant Unit” of Shalby Multi Speciality Hospital offers consultation and treatment for the following:

• Liver transplant
• Gall bladder cancer
• Bile duct cancer ( Cholangiocarcioma )
• Liver cancer (HCC/ Hepatoblastoma)
• Pancreatic cancer
• Chronic calcific pancreatitis
• Splenomegaly

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