Who was Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader killed by Israel?


हिजबुल्लाह ने 20 घंटे बाद माना- चीफ नसरल्लाह मारा गया

बेरूत के रिहायशी इलाके में जमीन के अदर बने बंकर को 80 टन बमों से उड़ाया

Who was Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader killed by Israel?

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed in Israeli strike

ईरान में खामेनेई सुरक्षित जगह भेजे गए
हिजबुल्लाह ने इजराइली हमले के 20 घंटे बाद चीफ हसन नसरल्लाह के मारे जाने की पुष्टि की है। हिजबुल्लाह ने शनिवार शाम 5 बजे कहा कि शुक्रवार रात साढ़े 9 बजे इजराइल के हवाई हमलों में नसरल्लाह की मौत हो गई। इजराइली सेना ने राजधानी बेरूत में हिजबुल्लाह के हेडक्वार्टर पर 80 टन बम से हमला किया। यह इतना भीषण था कि आसपास की 6 बिल्डिंग ध्वस्त हो गईं। बताया जा रहा है कि नसरल्लाह अपनी बेटी के साथ यहीं मौजूद था। IDF ने अपने सोशल मीडिया अकाउंट पर लिखा, ‘अब दुनिया को नसरल्लाह से डरने की जरूरत नहीं है। वह आतंक नहीं फैला पाएगा।’ नसरल्लाह के मारे जाने के बाद मिडिल ईस्ट में तनाव बढ़ गया है। इस बीच, ईरान में सुप्रीम लीडर आयतुल्लाह अली खामेनेई ने इमरजेंसी मीटिंग बुलाई। न्यूज एजेंसी रॉयटर्स की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, खामेनेई को सुरक्षित स्थान पर भेज दिया गया है।

BEIRUT – The Lebanese militant group, Hezbollah, confirmed that its secretary general, Hassan Nasrallah, was killed on Friday in Israeli airstrikes in the south of the capital Beirut. In a statement released by the group, it said that Nasrallah “has joined his fellow martyrs.” The official Iranian news agency reported on Saturday that a commander in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards was also killed alongside Nasrallah. The Israeli military said it had killed the 64-year-old leader of Hezbollah in what it called a “targeted strike” on the group’s headquarters on Friday in the southern Beirut neighborhood of Dahiyeh.A long-time leader of the Iran-backed militia, Nasrallah was born in 1960 to an impoverished family in the north of Lebanon. He was the eldest of nine children and went on to briefly study theology in Iran in 1989.
Before co-founding Hezbollah, Nasrallah learned the ropes in the Amal movement, a Shiite political and paramilitary movement. He was chosen to be Hezbollah’s chief two days after its leader, Sayyed Abbas Musawi, was killed by the Israeli military in 1992.
Under Nasrallah’s leadership, Hezbollah became one of the most powerful militias in the Middle East, boasting a military force stronger even than the Lebanese army. Funded by Iran, Hezbollah trained troops from Hamas. His organization also provides social services
Nasrallah led his group into a war that pushed Israeli troops out of southern Lebanon in 2000, ending an 18-year occupation. His son, Hadi, was killed in fighting with the Israeli army in 1997 — the same year the U.S designated Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

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