British Indian Pop Star Arzutraa launches her own Organic beauty line ‘Arzutraa Beauty UK ‘


British Indian Pop Star Arzutraa launches her own Organic beauty line ‘Arzutraa Beauty UK ‘

Mumbai: British Indian pop-star Arzutraa has just launched her own organic cosmetic and skincare line under the name ‘Arzutraa Beauty UK’. After successfully launching her second Album Arzutraa unveils yet another big venture demonstrating her talents are far beyond what we know of. The singer turned entrepreneur’s main focus with her brand is to provide people with the purest form of skin and haircare products derived from organic ingredients without the use of chemicals.
When asked the gorgeous singer turned business woman about her new venture she explained, “I am so happy to be following yet another dream of mine. Beauty has been an obsession of mine since childhood and now I am proud to have my own beauty brand. With Arzutraa Beauty UK I want to provide highly effective products with natural ingredients. I have personally formulated these products after years of working closely with top dermatologists, herbal and naturopathy doctors from the UK.”

The story behind the brand all starts with Arzutraa’s obsession with hair! She has always been frustrated to see so many chemical laden products in the market and decided to embark on the challenge of creating products that would be chemical free, safe and most importantly, ones that work. “Knowing how particular I am about what goes on my hair, I made a vow that if I was willing to use this formula on myself, I would share it with the world. And the rest is now history!!” Arzutraa added.

Made in London, Arzutraa Beauty UK products are made in small batches to retain potency. The range is soon to be available exclusively in selected hair and beauty salons worldwide. Arzutraa Beauty UK also provides a free online magazine to help educate and share knowledge on health and wellness. In addition to this, Arzutraa Beauty UK, also offers step by step health and wellness books to help you get advanced hair and skin results by implementing core principles for healthy hair and skin.

Arzutraa however has not stopped on the music front. The singer is now working hard on her third music album and plans on releasing some singles from them this month. Visit to learn more about the new brand.

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