Creating Professional Entrepreneurs through MyBinary Unity Scholarship


Creating Professional Entrepreneurs through MyBinary Unity Scholarship

Senator Saraswathy Kandasami

Deputy Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives

UNN/Andy Sengiah : Entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of any nation.A nation that has a large pool of successful entrepreneurs who are well educated means the nation will be to create plentiful jobs and spur innovation at all levels. To create such a scenario in the near future in Malaysia, YBTM Senator Saraswathy today launched The MyBinary Unity Scholarship with the theme “Creating Professional Entrepreneurs through The MyBinary Unity Scholarship or MyBus.
A total of 100 full scholarships worth RM7.5 Million is offered for SPM and STPM students to apply.SPM students with 5 credits and Stpm students with minimum CGPA of 2.75 may apply.
Founder Chairman of Binary University Tan Sri Professor Joseph Adaikalam said that another 900 Full Scholarships are being offered to deserving students from the B40 and other vulnerable households from all over Malaysia to pursue Accounting,Business and Computer Science courses.These scholarships are being offered in conjuction with Binary University’s 40th Anniversary in 2024.
Students with lesser credits can pursue the Diploma Komputer dan Pengurusan (DKP) Program that is delivered wholly in Bahasa Malaysia and then proceed to do their degree.
As a pioneer in Entrepreneurship Education, Binary University is committed to creating Professional Entrepreneurs and has allocated these 100 scholarships to the Ministry of Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives for students to pursue the BA (Hons) in Entrepreneurship.
While the entrepreneurial landscape in Malaysia is dominated by micro entrepreneurs, it is very important that the country crease cadres of Professional Entrepreneurs who can bring about numerous benefits to the growth and development of a nation.
It is crucial that Malaysia gives special attention to creating professional entrepreneurs who can help drive economic growth, create jobs, foster innovation, and cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset. It is therefore important to invest in entrepreneurship education, provide access to capital and resources, and create the right ecosystems for the professional development of entrepreneurs.
On the societal front creating professional entrepreneurs can foster inclusivity, economic empowerment and opens up avenues for women, minorities, and low income groups, the poor and vulnerable groups as well as underrepresented communities to participate in economic activities, build assets and come into the mainstream of development. This will go a long way in creating more equitable societies and reduce income and wealth disparities.
YB Senator Saraswathy Kandasami also witnessed the exchange of 8 MOUs between Binary University and numerous Business Associations and Seed Funding Entities who will play critical roles in the development of professional entrepreneurs at Binary University. Their roles range from providing seed money for startups, mentorship for aspiring entrepreneurs and providing business opportunities for students in the entrepreneurs program at Binary University.
Students may apply from today by visiting Applications close on 27th June 2023 while the intake is on 12thJuly 2023


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