Malaysia former Prime Minister Najib is the author of his own misfortune, said the judge

Malaysia former Prime Minister Najib is the author of his own misfortune, said the judge

The Federal Court rejected Najib’s SRC case review application

UNN/Andy Sengiah: A panel of Federal Court judges presided over by Sabah and Sarawak Chief Justice Abdul Rahman Sebli rejected Najib Razak’s application for a review of his conviction and sentence in the SRC International corruption case amounting to RM42 million.Four judges made a decision to reject the application, while the opposing judgment was by Abdul Rahman.
Today’s decision is in line with the decision made on August 23 last year by a panel of judges chaired by Chief Justice Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat, which upheld Najib’s guilty conviction and 12-year prison sentence and RM210 million fine. Najib who is currently incarcerated in Kajang Prison also filed a petition for a royal pardon as well as a petition before the United Nations regarding allegations of arbitrary detention.
Through the current review application, Najib argued that trial judge Mohd Nazlan, who was elevated from the High Court to the Court of Appeal, was in a conflict of interest when hearing and ruling on the SRC International case in July 2020.Najib claimed, among other things, that the judge was allegedly aware that Maybank Investment (an entity of the Maybank Group) and BinaFikir (another entity of the Maybank Group) had advised 1MDB in matters related to the establishment of SRC International. There are three possibilities if the court accepts the application. Najib can either be fully acquitted of the seven charges of abuse of power, criminal breach of trust and money laundering or he will be retried before a new High Court judge, other than Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali.

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