Malaysian : Application for OCI card should be simplified especially for umbilical cord ties : Minister Sivakumar


Application for OCI card should be simplified especially for Indian Orgins. Malaysian Human Resource Minister Sivakumar’s request

UNN/Andy Sengiah: For Indians living abroad Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) Overseas Citizens of India application and conditions issued by the Government of India should be simplified said Malaysian Minister of Human Resources Mr. Sivakumar. He has requested the Indian Government to to relax on the issuance of OCI card for Malaysian. There are many questions that cannot be filled in the application form for OCI and Malaysian Indians are facing difficulties in obtaining the OCI because this reason.While speaking to Subramaniam Jaishankar, the External Affairs Minister for India during the Paravasi conference, he say the Indian Government was still considering our request. Malaysian Indians applied for this OCI card to continue the umbilical cord relationship as their ancestors were born in India. OCI card holders can get lifetime visa called Multiple Entry He said that I have visited India out of respect and will request the Government of India and Foreign Minister Subramaniam Jaishankar to simplify the application for re-negotiation. Speaking to the Media at New Dehli the Malaysian Human Resource Minister, who was in India on an official visit, was given a rousing welcome at the Chennai airport and New Dehli India

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