Motion Content Group and Film Critics Guild announce 4th edition of Critics’ Choice Awards.


Receives an overwhelming response of Indian Short Films entries

Mumbai # Motion Content Group of Group M, in Collaboration with Film Critics Guild announced the launch of the 4th edition of Critics’ Choice Awardsto honour the talent in short films, web series and feature films.
After three successful editions of the Critics’ Choice Awards, Film Critics Guild and Motion Content Group in collaboration with Vistas Media Capital gear up for the fourth edition of the awards. The Critics’ Choice Awards is a credible, language-agnostic, recognition platform that provides unbiased appreciation of creative content in the rapidly growing entertainment industry.
This year, Critics’ Choice Awards 2022 has received an overwhelming response from Short filmmakers across the country to register a record number of entries of the short films produced in 2021. The Critics’ Choice Awards jury would adjudge and applaud the best in the business and encourage Indian content creators.
The 2020 Short Films winners were AdilHussain (Best Actor, short film Meal) and AmrutaSubhash (Best Actress, short film The Booth), ShaziaIqbal (Best Director for Bebaak) and Best Short Film was Bebaak.
Anupama Chopra, Chairperson, Film Critics Guild said, “We are thrilled about recognising artists, writers and stories with the fourth edition of Critics’ Choice Awards. Despite its challenges, the last two years have witnessed game changing developments in the content arena. Especially this year, creators have pushed the envelope and crafted content that is compelling enough to draw them to theatres or make them forget the looming threat of the dreaded virus.”
Ashwin Padmanabhan, President – Trading and Partnerships, GroupM India said, “As The Critics’ Choice Awards enter their fourth year, they have become coveted and celebrated by creators and talent alike as a unique and credible platform. We are proud of our partnership with the Film Critics Guild and Vistas Media Capital and are committed to making this platform bigger and better”
Abhayanand Singh, CEO, Vistas Media Capital: ““We are delighted to present the fourth edition of Critics’ Choice Awards which has become a very important calendar event for us and the filmmakers. Covid has obviously caused a lot of disruption to the film industry but the quality of content that has come out this year only validates that the spirits are high and good quality content will continue to entertain the audience”
Watch out for Critics’ Choice Awards 2022 Nominations on and twitter @CCSSAwards

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