“nice call” : Trump after speaking to Kamala Harris following assassination attempt


“nice call” : Trump after speaking to Kamala Harris following assassination attempt

UNN: During a campaign in Michigan, Trump said he got a “nice call” from Kamala Harris, his rival candidate in the US presidential elections. Trump had blamed Biden and Harris’ recent comments on being a “threat to democracy” behind the attack on his life.: US Democratic Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden called Republican former President Donald Trump on Tuesday, according to the White House. Harris, in a brief conversation, told Trump she was “grateful” that he was safe after an apparent assassination attempt on Sunday, a White House official said.
Trump was rushed off the golf course at Trump International in West Palm Beach, Florida, after a Secret Service gunman discovered a gunman in the bushes. Agents engaged the gunman and fired at least four rounds of ammunition around 1:30 pm (1730 GMT). The gunman then dropped his rifle, two backpacks and other items and fled in a black Nissan car. Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, was arrested later in another county as he fled from the spot and charged with two federal firearms charges.

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