Thailand : TAT and Huawei sign MOU to promote smart tourism


Bangkok – The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) and Huawei Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd. today signed a “Digital Transformation and Innovation Development for Smart Tourism” memorandum of understanding (MOU) aimed at promoting the Thai tourism industry through advanced technologies, including 5G, Cloud, AI and AR/VR to develop a smart digital tourism platform and a new tourism ecosystem.
Presided over by Mr. Napintorn Srisunpang, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Sports, the MOU was signed by Mr. Yuthasak Supasorn, TAT Governor, and Mr. Abel Deng, Chief Executive Officer of Huawei Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Also present at the signing ceremony were Mr. Jun Zhang, Vice President of Huawei Asia Pacific, and executives from the TAT, Huawei Technology (Thailand), and Huawei Asia Pacific.
Mr. Napintorn Srisunpang, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Sports, said that according to Thailand’s 20-year National Strategy (2018-2037), tourism will play a pivotal role for the country’s sustainable development. And as Thailand aims to elevate the tourism industry and increase competitive advantages in the market, it is important to bring in innovative technologies to drive tourism.
“I am pleased that Huawei will take this opportunity to help drive Thai tourism through 5G technology support by applying new applications, multimedia, and services that emerge from the future of high-speed networks to promote tourism marketing,” Mr. Napintorn said.
The “Digital Transformation and Innovation Development for Smart Tourism” MOU between TAT and Huawei will cover a one-year period from the signing date. The agreement will place emphasis on increasing the capabilities and elevating the tourism industry with innovative technologies and promoting strategic markets – both in the domestic and Chinese tourism markets.
The MOU is aimed at creating a digital alliance network that enables skill and expertise exchanges to help elevate technology and innovation for the tourism industry. The cooperation also supports technological developments; such as, 5G, Cloud, AI and AR/VR for tourism, which will drive digital transformation across the tourism industry.
TAT and Huawei have made a joint effort to bring 5G innovative technologies to stimulate Thai tourism through live broadcasting by highlighting stunning viewpoints at Thailand’s tourist attractions in real time on HUAWEI’s 5G network via TAT’s online media channels, including the ‘Amazing Thailand’ YouTube channel and ‘Amazing Thailand’ application, as well as through various online channels of strategic partners.
TAT and Huawei are also preparing to implement the ‘Amazing THAILAND is just a phone call away’ project. TAT will create a ‘Video Ring back Tone’, a call-waiting video showcasing the beauty of Thai tourist attractions, culture, food, and traditions to promote Thai tourism internationally through Thai 5G users using Huawei’s 5G as well as Huawei’s partner networks. Users will be able to download videos and images free of charge.

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