Women in trading! Iuliia Lepesii helps Ukrainian residents with food, shelter & clothing via Crypto and Stock Market


Women in trading! Iuliia Lepesii helps Ukrainian residents with food, shelter & clothing via Crypto and Stock Market

Mumbai: Widely perceived as a male-dominated space, the cryptoverse is seeing a new influx of women who are emerging as the fastest growing pool of investors. Women in fact, are not only coming on board as investors, but also as creators and builders .One such luminary is- Iuliia Lepesii who has been trading for 3 years, she got her first degree in accounting in Ukraine, Kyiv & second degree at MCNY, New York. She has studied trading at Gerchik.com. She has been helping Ukrainian residents with food, shelter & clothing via Crypto and Stock Market
“The war has been devastating for Ukraine’s families.The children and families of Ukraine have endured months & months of escalating devastation and displacement. Children continue to be killed, wounded and deeply traumatized by the violence all around them. Schools, hospitals and other civilian infrastructure on which they depend continue to be damaged or destroyed. Families have been separated and lives torn apart. I have been helping my fellow countrymen recover from the war. I give all my profits to people there” she adds
Iuliia Lepesii firmly believes that financial independence should be of utmost importance to women. The public and private sectors must come together to realize the economic and social benefits to empowering women through trade. Governments can play a role through trade reform: making trade easier, faster, more cost-effective, and companies can source from women-owned businesses and contribute to capacity-building initiatives “Crypto and Stock Market can benefit women and increase gender parity. It offers new job opportunities, higher wages and more economic development for communities” says Iuliia Lepesii, a young entrepreneur who has quickly soared to the heights of success through Crypto and Stock Market. Having her roots in Ukraine, Kyiv, she was like any other girl. But she had a strong vision towards her goals and a determination to fulfill her dreams.
Iuliia Lepesii has reached the heights of success, that too coming from a humble background. He says that the entire process wasn’t easy but he had a goal and worked hard to achieve it. No wonder, the sky’s the limit for her.

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