Thailand : Initial Information – Phuket Sandbox international travellers


Bangkok – The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is pleased to provide the initial information on the ‘Phuket Sandbox’ model to safely reopen Phuket to fully vaccinated international travellers from 1 July, 2021.
The TAT Newsroom will provide the final official details on the Phuket Sandbox model as soon as officially approved directives from the Royal Thai Government are available.
Airlines that have announced direct flights to Phuket:
– Singapore Airlines
– Emirates
– Qatar Airways
– Hongkong Airlines
– EVA Air
– Korean Air
– Jinair
– Cathay Pacific
Please check the flight schedule on the respective airline’s websites.

Please be aware that some airlines are unable to operate into your home country for your return.

Phuket Sandbox
At a glance
1. Applicable for international travellers who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 no less than 14 days, but no later than 1 year before the travel date. They must also be from countries/regions with a low to medium risk of SAR-CoV-2 virus as announced and constantly updated by the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH).
2. Applicable for children under 6 years of age travelling with fully vaccinated parents or guardians.
3. Applicable for children between 6 and 18 years of age travelling with fully vaccinated parents or guardians, but they are required to take a COVID-19 test upon arrival at their own expense.
4. All vaccinated international arrivals must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 with a vaccine registered with the MoPH or approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
5. All arrivals are required to download and install the ThailandPlus application on their smartphones, and must keep the app on all the time, as they move to different locations around Phuket.
6. All arrivals are required to stay in an accommodation establishment that is certified with the Amazing Thailand Safety and Health Administration (SHA) Plus certification for no less than 14 nights, and thereafter will be allowed to travel to visit other Thai destinations.
7. All COVID-19 tests must follow the guidelines by the MoPH.
8. Travellers are allowed to engage in any tourism activities but are advised to strictly follow the DMHTTA precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19: D – Distancing, M – Mask wearing, H – Handwashing, T – Temperature check, T – Testing for COVID-19, and A – contact tracing application (Thai Chana and Mor Chana).
Foreign Traveller Journey
In order to be eligible to enter in Thailand, vaccinated international travellers – and their children – need to have all of their advance arrangements in good order for arrival and entry. These include:
A vaccine certificate to proof that they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 no less than 14 days, but no later than 1 year before the travel date with a vaccine registered with the MoPH or approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO);
A valid visa;
A Certificate of Entry (COE) issued by the Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate;
A COVID-19 health insurance policy with a minimum coverage of US$100,000;
A confirmation of booking for 14 nights in a SHA Plus-certified accommodation;
A medical certificate with an RT-PCR laboratory result indicating that COVID-19 is not detected issued no more than 72 hours before departure;
The duration of stay can be less than 14 nights, but travellers must leave Phuket on or before the permit to stay date.
Undergo Immigration and Customs procedures, and a COVID-19 screening, including RT-PCR tests;
Download the ThailandPlus application;
Check-in at the pre-booked SHA Plus-certified accommodation establishment and stay there for no less than 14 nights.
Undergo a COVID-19 test using an RT-PCR or a rapid antigen method on Day 5 of your arrival per the MoPH’s guidelines;
Engage in tourism activities or enjoy services in SHA Plus-certified venues and businesses, under the DMHTTA precautions;
For emergency in case of having respiratory or other related symptoms, please alert the staff at your accommodation or contact the nearest hospital;
The operator/owner of the accommodation establishment is required to report the name list and status of all foreign guests to the provincial authority on a daily basis.
For travelling from Phuket to other Thai destinations, vaccinated international travellers are required to show a vaccine certificate and a medical certificate that they have tested negative for COVID-19;
For travelling from Phuket to other countries, travellers are advised to follow the guidelines and measures announced by the respective country of destination.
Relevant information
Child Policy Children under 6 years of age must travel only with their parents or guardians who have been vaccinated;
In the case the parents or guardians are found to have COVID-19, the children are to be placed in isolation for 14 days.
Countries The Phuket Sandbox is applicable only for fully vaccinated international travellers from countries/regions with a low to medium risk of SAR-CoV-2 virus as announced and constantly updated by the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH). *The list will be available soon.
High-risk countries are not allowed entry at this stage.
Visa & Certificate of Entry Every traveller must obtain a Certificate of Entry (COE) at Check the website to see the required documents;
Embassy/Consulate-General takes 3 working days to process the application;
Applicants can check the result of the application on the website.
Insurance International travellers must have an insurance covering treatment and medical expenses including those related to COVID-19 with a minimum coverage of US$100,000. The insurance must cover the total duration of stay in Thailand.
Vaccines International travellers who have received the following vaccines are able to enter Phuket:
– Thai FDA approved vaccines: AstraZeneca, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Sinovac Biotech, and Sinopharm.
Arrivals must be vaccinated more than 14 days to 1 year before entering Phuket.
Proof of vaccination must be submitted when applying for a COE.


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